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Sunday School Scholar





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Sunday School Scholar(圖1)-速報App

The mission of World Sunday School is to publish Christian literature and resources worldwide without regard to nation or denomination. We hold fast to the fundamental Christian beliefs (Apostles’ Creed) (listed below) that unite the Christian family. “Of a truth I (Peter) perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” Acts 10: 34b-35

Our organization realizes that many believers around the world are denied Sunday school texts and supplies. It is with this knowledge that we will do our utmost to bring the Word of God to Christ’s Sunday school whether it is secretly assembled, inadequately funded, inefficiently illiterate, or even relatively established.

Sunday School Scholar(圖2)-速報App

Sunday School Scholar(圖3)-速報App

Sunday School Scholar(圖4)-速報App

Sunday School Scholar(圖5)-速報App

Sunday School Scholar(圖6)-速報App